Setting up & using NukeCord is pretty straightforward. Download the archive, unzip it and store it somewhere you can find it again.
You need to have Python & pip installed. Pip usually comes bundled with Python installations on Windows. On Linux and mac you might need to install it separately.
More info on Python configuration
For Windows systems, it is recommended to get Python from the Microsoft Store, as it is a simple process, it already comes bundled with pip, and you don't need to do any setup.
PLEASE NOTE: Python 3.12 and newer versions are known for causing dependency issues with NukeCord. If you experience issues such as NukeCord crashing on launch, uninstall your current Python instance and get a different version instead!
I myself am using Python 3.11. I recommend using 3.9, as NukeCord was built using that version. Anything between Python 3.7-3.11 should work fine.
I assume you already have your bot set up on the discord developer portal and that you have all privileged gateway intents turned on, and that the token is ready.
NukeCord always needs to be launched through the windows-specific batch file!
It should be namedrun.bat. If a blue SmartScreen pops up, hit "Advanced" and "Run anyway".
Dependencies will be installed and NukeCord should launch.
(Only tested on Debian/Fedora based) On Linux systems, always use the file to start NukeCord.
You might need to Right click > Properties > Mark as an executable and then Right click > Run as program.
Dependencies will be installed and NukeCord should launch.
For macOS, you always need to launch NukeCord like this:
Open a terminal window (Launchpad > Utility > Terminal)
Navigate to the NukeCord folder (using cd + path)
Run sh
Dependencies will be installed and NukeCord should launch.
If the methods above don't work, you can always run NukeCord manually on any system.
Execute the following:
pip install -r internals/requirements.txt
python3 internals/ OR python internals/
NukeCord will then ask you to paste the bot token and your user ID. After you've done that, the bot will start and you're good to go!
Giving multiple users access to NukeCord
Natively, NukeCord only works with the user specified during initial setup - However, since version 3.9.1 onwards, NukeCord is designed to work with multiple users in collaboration. You can assign as many users as you want.
How can I set multiple users?
Locate the config.json file in the internals subfolder. Open it with your standard text editor, and place as many IDs as you want in the ids placeholder between the square brackets. Seperate each ID with a comma.