A versatile and feature-rich multipurpose discord bot
Last updated
A versatile and feature-rich multipurpose discord bot
Last updated
Coral, originally known as Coralcord, is a discord bot written using PyCord, a pythonic library. It was released in mid 2021, and oh was it a success. After a few months it got its new name, Coral. I always had some issues hosting it. Budget was tight, and I kept on switching hosts on and on. It even got verified around that time. When Discord forced all bots without intents to use slash commands in early 2022, it took me quite some time to modify the code and get it up and running again. And issues kept on popping up, again and again. And then, some day in 2022, the I got ddosed, and Coral was gone. I stopped development, as I saw no point in it no more. In may of 2023 I started some big wind about Coral coming back, completely rebranded (called Chlor). That never happened. I gave up on the idea after a month. That was, until December 2023: I coded and coded, all from scratch, and managed to recreate Coral, a bit like it was back in the day. It's still missing some functions though.
Well, and now it's back - And I'm writing a documentation for it. Let's dive in.